Wednesday, January 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Short, focused and regular practice sessions help your children retain and understand what they are learning while making the most of generally short attention spans. If practice is enjoyable, rather than arduous, your children will naturally (and unknowingly!) increase the time they spend at their practice… eventually reaching that 30 minute mark.
Setting a regular time of day when music practice happens “no matter what” will ensure a daily practice routine is easy for your children to maintain.
And not just verbal encouragement. You can show your children that you value their efforts by attending their recitals with enthusiasm, inviting friends and family to listen to them play, and taking the time to sit and listen to them practice with your undivided attention.
Learning to play music is a life-changing experience. And, as a parent, the process is a thrill to watch. Being a major part of this accomplishment is incredibly rewarding! The profound pleasure of being the parent of a music student far outweighs the required extra efforts; and this is, by far, the most important thing that music teachers want parents to know about musical instrument practice.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Here is a formula for successful music study:
Involved parents = Successful Practice + Progress
Successful Practice + Progress = Happy Kids + Successful Music Studies
The key of course being “involved parents”. Much of your music lesson success hinges on this one single factor. Which is why, when I begin teaching a new student one of the first things I do is to strive to help parents be active participants in the music lesson process… even if they have absolutely no musical background.
Most parents have no musical background. Their ability to help with music technique or instruction is limited to such phrases as “Julie, it’s time to practice piano!” or, “Julie, did you remember to practice your violin?”, or “Oh my gosh Julie, your lesson is in 10 minutes, quick, practice!”
But it doesn’t have to be this way. By simply sitting with your children for the first 5 minutes of a practice session and using the following Parent Practice Questions, you can have a huge impact on your children’s musical success.
Sit with your child for the first five minutes of daily music practice and have a little chat… using the questions as a jumping off point for the discussion. And then, wait for your child’s next lesson. If you have indeed taken a few minutes of their day to get involved with music practice, I’ll bet you’ll see some serious progress… which, in the long term, means seriously successful music study!
♩ Where is the hardest part in this piece? can you play JUST that part for me?
♩ Can you play this piece for me in slow motion?
♩ Can I play the last note in this piece? Can you show me which key to press and then nod at me when it's my turn to play?
♩ Clap the rhythm of any measure in this piece and I will try to copy you!
♩ Let's write a note to your teacher about today's practice session. What should we tell her?
♩ What does this mean? (said while pointing at any marking above a music note)
♩ Let's write some lyrics! What do you think this piece is about?
♩ Let's surprise Grandma with a special tune. I'll phone her... when you hear me say HELLO, start to play!